Lots of eggs

so, now that my girls are in the swing of things, I have 6 hens that are laying...wow that is alot of eggs!  Is anyone selling eggs at a farmers market?  I have 4 RIR's and 2 Buff's.  So, right now I am getting all brown eggs.  Hopefully the Americana starts soon, I want to see that colored egg! 

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  • I get my eggs there since i can't have chickens. they average 4 to 4.50 a dozen
  • AZHS has a community exchange table at the PHX farmer's Market.
    It is designed for small local growers and it might be a good fit for you if you only have a few eggs to share now and again. Here is the link to their group, and notice the discussions on who to contact etc.
    Domain Registered at Safenames
  • We're also getting plenty of eggs from four hens. We have two green egg layers in the mix to add to the fun. Our three replacement pullets will start laying by the time these four take a rest.

    I would not want to sell at farmers markets even at the going prices, but that's just me. I've noticed that farmers markets either don't carry home-grown eggs at all or they sell out fast, and I think I know the reason: It's probably not feasible to sell eggs by the time you count costs of decent feed, rearing and properly caring for the birds. If it were feasible, then we wouldn't have a shortage of eggs at the farmers markets because there would be more fresh egg vendors.
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