Rhode Island Red Roosters

We got 5 RIR chicks three months ago and have been taking very good care of them. We woke up this morning and heard one of the "chickens" crow!  Yes, I think it is a rooster.  Two other ones look like roosters too.  Unfortunately we can not keep them.  The kids will be sad to see them go.  If anyone would like to give these guys a new home please let me know.  (we live in Gilbert)



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  • We took our three roosters to Aden's Hay Oasis in Higley. We are now proud owners of the two remaining hens. They should start laying in a month or so.
    We bought our 5 chicks from Higley Feed (supposedly all 5 were hens). They did not provide any help when we asked for help placing the roosters. We will not buy from them again.
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