Oh the joy of 2 newly hatched ducklings! My sweet Domino, a Magpie, has been feverously broody all the month of May and behold!..... I went to turn the coop A/C off last Thursday evening and I made my discovery.
I am thinking my black Runner, James, is the daddy. Both babies are nearly all black with a yellow hint to their fluff. One baby has coal black bill and feet and the other has speckled feet like Domino. Domino still has about 12-14 eggs that have not hatched, but they definately appear to be fertile. I can see something dark growing through the shells.
Meanwhile, Doris (Runner) and Mama (Buff) are sharing a tiny nest of 5 eggs, Bubbles (Campbell) and Jake(Campbell) are sharing a big nest of 10, and poor Moneypenny(Pekin) isn't feeling broody at all!