I'm not sure if this is a medical issue or not. I have a 10 month old RI that has "clumps" of poop around her fluff. I've checked to see if she might have pasty butt, but the clumping is only collecting around her feathers/fluff.
I've taken a wet washcloth to try to gently pull it off, but it looks like it hurts her. So I'm just cutting the feathers off down there, along with all the clumping. As far as I can tell, she's laying as usual, and isn't smaller than my other RI.
Is there something wrong with her? Are there any other things I should be doing to keep her clean?
Thanks for any ideas you all have.
The only approved OTC med for worming chickens is piperazine (most common brand name is Wazine). It actually only works on some species of roundworms, and it paralyses them rather than killing them. http://www.merckvetmanual.com/mvm/index.jsp?cfile=htm/bc/202800.htm is a good reference. Many breeders use ivermectin to worm their birds as it is very broad spectrum & actually kills the worms. However, for the most part the people I know who use ivermectin on their birds have them primarily for exibition. There are several brands of ivermectin and methods of treatment. What is most commonly recommended is the cattle pour-on formulation that is applied to the skin. Eprinex brand has a zero withdrawal time for milk & meat, but as it is not approved for poultry, it has not been tested for in eggs (or meat). However, ivermectin is used for worming humans in 3rd world countries. It is not effective on tapeworm, but that is rather uncommon in chickens.
Any vet should be able to perform a faecal float test for paraites in the chicken poop, which would actually be good to verify whether they do or do not need worming. General recommendation for a flock is to mix a sampling of poop from a number of birds. However, in your case, it sounds like there is one bird in particular that is the concern.
I checked for lice and, luckily, didn't see anything that looked like lice down there. She seems healthy otherwise, although none of the chickens are laying much these days (probably from the heat).