Eating Feathers??

My pullets are 12 weeks old and I've noticed a lot of feathers around, and the chickens actually eating quite a few.  They also seem to be pretty "flaky".  We are still not used to the dry climate out here so I thought that they might just have dry skin? I know they go through feather "growth spurts" at times but I am a little concerned with the heat and their growth rate, maybe they are not getting enough protein??  I have checked them so often for lice/mites that they are starting to avoid me!  Should I supplement their chick starter (18% protein) with an additional protein source or maybe switch them to a higher protein "flockraiser"?  They used to get a handful (one) of oats thrown in the run every morning by my kids, but I stopped them for fear they weren't getting enough of their feed.  Any opinions out there? I greatly appreciate any feedback!



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    • Thanks Chris! I was hoping that was the case because other than what I mentioned, they are happy and healthy. Would a "flockraiser" be appropriate? It comes as a crumble, which I prefer, and I can get it "medicated".
  • Thanks Chris!
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