I have three beautiful ducks that are looking for a new home. I am forced to reduce the size of my flock and I have chosen 2 lovely ladies and a handsome male. Pictures can be provided via cell phone.
The first is a nice sized black, male Runner by the name of James. He is very active, outgoing and very careful with his ladies. He is likely the father to all my new ducklings, so he is very amourous with the girls.
The second is a lovely blue/grey Runner female by the name of Doris. She is young, probably just about a year. She can be broody and loves to sit on her eggs. She is very willing to share her eggs and nests with other girls when space is limited. She has a wicked cute quack and adores her fresh veggies and watermelon.
Her current partner is crime is Mama, who is a very pretty Buff female. Also very broody and a great sitter. Mama and Doris are quite comfortable together and I would love for them to go together.
I am very sad to give them up, as they have all been rescues. Please call me at 623-414-2788 if you would like to give them a home. There is no charge for them, just the promise of a great home, lots of grass and your close attention.