
    • I have put her away from the other birds, and hoping she (and all) won't die. Thanks for the website.
  • I hope your girl is doing better !  :)


    I am NO expert but I do agree that wild birds are a problem. I have wild birds that try to sneak in the hen house while my girls are out free ranging. I have recently saved a hen form the brink of death & will relate what I tried in my case, just in case it helps:

    Thanksgiving day I found my barred rock listless & not moving well. She couldn't stand up or anything. I think the other girls had started to pick on her too because of her illness. I immediately isolated her from the flock in a large dog crate on our patio. She was skinny, so I think she may have been sick longer than I realized. She is so skittish & never lets me pick her up so I dont check her much.

    I gave her fresh water & turkey/applesauce baby food which she ate ravenously. (The next few days I gave her babyfood & mushy-wet chicken feed.)

    Her symptoms seemed like they might be an infection...who knows with birds, but I had  SULMET on hand. I gave her this in her water per instructions on the bottle for 6 days. Within 24 hours she was a new bird. By 3 days she was walking fine & I began giving her short trips to eat grass. Well, she seemed to eat way too much grass & wood chips too I think. Her crop became very sluggish & seemed to stop working because now she wasn't pooping. So I started her on Terra Vet powder-oxytetracycline (1tb per gallon of h2o). After 7 days of antibiotics (these were after the sulmet, not concurrent) she was eating, drinking & pooping normally.  She looks great now & is living like a queen with me at her beck & call. She gets to free range a lot more than the other girls. 

    The only downside is the flock will not accept her back- I have tried lots of ways to reunite them but she gets bullied too much, so I am building another house for her. I wanted another hen house I will let her live out her retirement like a queen & then have a nice pen for a replacement flock.  


    Best of luck with your flock. 

    • Thank you very much Beth.  They are doing much better and will read more as to how keep them safe.  Thanks all.

  • Thanks for asking Chirs. She looks the same, but she is still with us (in the house in a little crate). The staff at Pratt's mentioned that wild birds could have brought some infection that she got. So, I have to think getting rid of them somehow.
  • Hope she gets better and they are all safe. I appreciate the web sites with the info as well.
    • Thanks All for your replies. My mommy got the antibiotics for her and hopefully she gets better. Tomorrow I'd be cleaning the coop.
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