"Most feed stores sell rice hulls. I like them because they are super lightweight and not dusty like hay and shavings can be. Also, they won't choke out the soil underneath the way shavings will.
"Thank you for your input - looks like straw/shavings are popular. Dave, do you just add hay/pine shavings sort of adding a layer on top in the the pen so that the top stays clean/dry?"
"I had the same problem...I moved all the gravel and exposed the dirt and I use hay or pine shavings. Pine is nice because it smells great but a bit expensive. I muck out the pen ever quarter and compost it. If you don't have acreage that's the…"
"Thanks for the input Catherine - I like the idea of putting weed cloth over the gravel to allow for a layer of straw. I think I may do that for at least part of the pen."
"Where I live, I only have sand and rocks. My girls pen is 25x45 and is all SAND. In their stall (6x10) in the barn I put down pine shavings or chopped straw depending on what is available and I clean it out once a week down to the sand. I don't…"
"Thanks for the reply! Do you put down the rice hulls on top of the bare dirt? How often do you rake it out and replace (I guess that depends on how many goats are sharing how big of an area...)? Where do you buy the rice hulls?"
Hello - I just added 2 goaties to our pet managerie and am wondering how best to set up a pen? I have a very large area that I have gated off from the rest of the property. However, currently the pen has crushed granite on most of the ground. I…
"I realize this is a bit off the topic but am hoping someone might be able to advise. I have recently just added 2 goats to our managarie of pets. Would some of you veteran goat-keepers share what you use on the ground in your goat pen? I have a…"