My Pet Chicken is having a sale and I ordered the min of 25.
I ordered the special and they will be coming next week. I can keep them in my brooder section of the chicken house but I don't need 25. 8-10 would be fine with me but I don't need a herd right now.
Day old chicks 5 breeds, sexed Fs (fingers crossed but the sexers are usually pretty good) Here is how the ad was worded:
This is option will include 25 large fowl female chicks of any breed. At least five varieties included.
If anyone would like to buy a few chicks, let me know. They are a great deal $50/25 so if anyone wants to buy them and take them off my hands I'll happily part with them for $2/each
Let me know and you can come pick them up when they arrive.
Post pics when you get them so we can all play "identify the breed" :)
I'm excited for you!
I posted pics just now, they are so cute.
The mailman called at 730 and said come get them. When I knocked on the door he said he'd have to look- but based on the noise they make he didn't have to look far!
The chicks are here. If you want 4 or 5 come get them soon. They're peeping away. I'm here when you want to come.
our little farm is at Warner/Rural.
905 E Ranch Rd, phone 602-686-4071
That's ok I think we got 5 Aracunas. Call me when you want to come get an assortment
phone 602-686-4071Well, I don't think we have any aracunas they grow so fast though, went from puffs to looking like little chickens over the weekend. Maybe I am just tired today.
Sure we'd love an aracuna if you want to bring one. Would you like some chicks? I'd trade you but there are only 2 of one breed and I kinda want to see what they are black and yellow and all. Anyway, give me a call this week and we can 'trade'