Hello all, I am wanting to plant a large shade tree on the south side of the house to help give shade to my chickens in the summer. I would like a desert adapted fast growing tree. It would be specially nice if it gave seeds, fruit etc.....that the chickens could eat. I want to avoid anaything that drops poisoness berries etc....Any suggestions??
Sorry to overinundate, but if you did have interest, look up "morus mircrophylla native (or Texas) Mulberry Tree". Again--they grow naturally in Arizona; edible fruit & attractive, not a heavy water user, small leaves w/fall color, if I recall correctly...
Thanks for the suggestions.....we have a ginormous Mulberry in the backyard that gives beautiful shade (unfortunatly no where near the chickens)....but no edible fruit :( The birds who live in it still poop purple though?
I didn't realize their was a native mulberry....thank you so much for the info.
Hi Meg,
I also had not heard of the Moring trees - just looked it up on Wikipedia - amazing sounding plant.