Nematodes and Chickens

I was just looking in to something I found here about a natural tick solution via the garden guy. I'm very interested because ticks are a big problem for us with our dogs BUT we have chickens. If I spread nematodes in my yard am I going to give my chickens a bad case of worms? Does anyone have any experience with this?




ps. This is the link I was looking at...

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    Meg - your post makes me think that it would be fine but then I read the other posts and get confused.


    What I am confused about is this...  Are predatory nematodes "beneficial" in the case of getting rid of ticks but bad for chickens? Or is it that Beneficial nematodes are what I need to help with ticks and will not harm my chickens? Looking at the first post (by Chris) I thought I was fine getting nematodes to help with ticks, but now I worry that I shouldn't because they are the same ones that would hurt my chickens.

    • Erica, I look to Chris for all sorts of information. I haven't hesitated, myself, to use beneficial nematodes, knowing that I have pets and kids in the yard.  How about contacting your source of beneficial nematodes for more information?  Code word, beneficial, and ask them specifically about chickens and ticks.


      There are so many sources of information available, and much of it contradictory.  We all have to do our due dilligence research.

    • Thank you. I think it could be a concern that my backyard will not support them but my front yard probably will. It's worth a try though at least. Thanks again!
    • What he said. :)
  • It's all good information, I never even knew about the cockroach type.  Ugh.
  • We were talking specifically about BENEFICIAL nematodes, weren't we?  I purchased mine from Arbico Organics in Tucson.
  • Beneficial nematodes are already present in good soil.  There are types that are active in cooler weather and others do better in warmer weather.  They can be used to protect against grubs, termites, ticks, other stuff.  I personally wouldn't worry about using with chickens, they are microscopic.
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