Adding new hens with a cardboard box

I bought 2 new hens a little over 2 weeks ago. We kept the new girls in the garage a few days, then move them with a separate water & food supply in a cardboard box. (It had been for a 2 drawer file cabinet. I laid it lengthwise, taped the ends shut, but open a large window on a long side.) The new girls, known as the red heads, seemed pretty good in it. The next day they were on the perch all day. The leghorn hen pecked at them some and I have her a little swat. I thought the existing hens (they are all about the same age-- hatched mid Aug) would not go into the new space. But nooooooo-- the leghorn goes wherever she wants to. Mostly she stood on the top and gave them a few pecks. She got a few little swats and was distracted with some fresh spinach and dandelion greens. They are all going on field trips in the back yard together now. The red heads still like to be in their box together during the night just like the other two sleep together. The 'box method' was a great idea and way easier than tacking up bird cloth or chicken wire to separate my coop.

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  • Thanks again for the help with raising the chickens. I am getting about 20 eggs per week. One of my neighbors (I'm in a regular neighborhood) stopped me the other day when I was walking the dogs, said "I hear your birds every day". I looked him right in the eye and said "I'll bet you'd like some eggs", brought him a dozen. Pay off/hush money.  :)
  • Thanks for sharing!
  • Thanks for sharing your experience, so glad this worked for you! Maybe if you're adding 10 birds, you could just use a refrigerator box.... ;)
  • Isn't it fun? I love to hear the stories. These little girls really do bring a new kind of joy into our lives.
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