All Discussions (933)

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More Flavorful Birds!

So I've been raising turkeys for over a year for holidays and general eating and have found them far superior to anything from the stores. That and I know that they are treated much more humanly. My question is, is there any way to enhance the flavor

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I have 3 barred rock and 3 Americana's that are 3-4 weeks old.  Tonight I noticed that all 3 Americana's have areas down there backs where they are missing feathers.  It looks kinda like they were pecked off.  You can see some scabbing in a few place

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Introing chicks into a flock

Hi All: My chicks are about 9 weeks old and soon I'd like to into them to my flock of 2 other birds. I'd like to use the partition idea in the run,however what about roosting at night and food? My birds are on pullet food for another 8 weeks or so...

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Fertilize grass

I want to fertilize our backyard grass but our chickens are free range.  Is there a good product anyone has found that is not harmful to the chickens and/or something they do not try to eat that I can use? 

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How big should my box be?

Hi yesterday we got 6 chicks that are about a week old.  I have them in a box but I am noticing that they poop on everything including in there food and water.  Should I have them in a bigger box?  Or do chickens just poop on everything?  Also, shoul

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6 Replies

Lonely Guinea keet

I have read Guinea's like to be with a few of their own kind. Well, I bought a few but unfortunately I am down to one who is about 4 weeks old now.  Anyone know if it will be OK on it's own just socializing with chickens eventually or do I need to fi

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Naked Neck needs a new home

We recently acquired a group of chickens, and while most of our chickens are fitting into the flock well, this one little bird just can't find her place. We believe she is a bantam naked neck. We are willing to sell her, or trade her for a full size

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Coop and ego question

Due to my dogs I need a secure place for my chickens. I now have that. I have a 24 foot by 7 foot rectangle of chain link panels with a gate in them. We will be adding chicken wire to the inside to keep chicks from getting out. The roof will be wood

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Ameraucana and Marans Roos


  I have 5 beautiful boys who are now 14 weeks old.  Before they become dinner around here, I thought I would give anyone who might be interested in them for breeding purposes, the opportunity to rehome one of these beautiful boys. There has ne

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Marans laying hens wanted

Looking for a few Marans hens to add to my family's backyard flock of pampered girls.  3-5 healthy birds between 5 and 12 months old would be great.  No chicks, no bantams.  Any variety of standard-size Marans, just looking for those chocolate-colore

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Do you think she will survive?

She was attacked this morning.  I have put her in a chicken hospital and sprayed her wound with Banixx.  She is ready to get back with her friends, but I have separated her.  Is there anything else I can do?  Will she survive?

Warning, the picture I a

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