How big should my box be?

Hi yesterday we got 6 chicks that are about a week old.  I have them in a box but I am noticing that they poop on everything including in there food and water.  Should I have them in a bigger box?  Or do chickens just poop on everything?  Also, should they have something to climb on or something to do in there box? 

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  • My box is about the same size as yours and I was having the same issues.  I put the feeder and water, both mason jar size, on bricks that I stacked 2-3 high. I started with one brick then as the chickens grew I added another brick. Now I think they are about 4"-6" off the base of the tube and then I have about 2" of pine shavings. I also used the bricks as perches. I turned the brick on its side, its only about 3" high but it gets them of the ground.

  • I'm currently trying out sand in my brooder. My brooder is small but as soon as the chicks get old enough they get to spend days outside. As everyone has said they are messy but so much fun to watch. I know I've seen waterers (small ones) that have a hole for a string to hang them in the brooder you might try that to keep it out of the pine shavings, you'd have to check around though and knowing how dumb chicks are they'd probably just knock it around and make a mess.

  • Yes, they do poop on everything. I assume you have a feeder and waterer designed for chicks? They still will make a mess & you have to clean things out regularly. At first we use newspaper or paper towels on the bottom & change it out daily, until they're old enough to be moved to our "brooder" (an enclosed rabbit hutch with a wire bottom). Give them enough room to move around; if they're too crowded they'll stand on their feeder & waterer & make an even worse mess. And, as Becky said, increase the box as they grow.  They're cute, but messy little babies. :)

    • Thanks guys!  I moved them to a big tub.  It is a 40 gallon.  It is 3 feet long 2 feet wide and 20 in tall.  I have one of the small trowl feeders and a mason jar waterer.  I have pine shavings in there.  I raised their food trowel off the ground about 1/2" but they still climb on it and poop.  I put a piece of cardboard under the waterer because this AM they had put tons of wood shavings in it so it wasn't even drinkable.  We made them a mini perch yesterday and they appear to be using it.  So based on yesterday without the perch and today with the perch there appears to be less poop in the feed and waterer.  But like I said they put shavings in the waterer.  Can I give them any treats?  They were super excited when I was taking the shavings out of there food and throwing them back in with there bedding. 

    • I'd stick to the chick started. They have baby tummies and aren't as durable as older chickens. I'd never thought of giving chicks mini-perches. Fun idea!

      Yes, your story of the shavings reminded me of why I use paper. :)

  • It depends on how big your box is.  I start mine (usually 6 - 10 chicks) in a rubbermaid tub with paper towels and then move them to a large (like water heater size) box with shavings at about 2 weeks.  Raise their water and food up on blocks and it won't get as dirty. I don't have a place to put them outside until they are fully feathered at about 6 weeks so I use a really big box with a screen over the top to keep the dust (and chicks) in.

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