6 Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats for Sale (Tempe)

These are my goats that I just posted on CL.  I don't recommend buying unregistered stock, but in this case I have no choice.  Registered stock cost the same to care for as unregistered, and they are easier to find homes for at better prices.    Lisette

6 Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats for Sale (Tempe)

Date: 2012-07-13, 1:44PM MST
Reply to: 3gd2d-3137527374@sale.craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]

6 Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats for Sale

2 senior does, registered, and their 4 unregistered kids, 4 months old, and disbudded. The does kid easily and are good mothers. They are calm and friendly.

Dam: Red Lotus TH Paradise Kiss by Sugar Creek NS Thistle*S out of Red Lotus Madame Butterfly
2 doelings and a buckling, all dark colored and very friendly

Dam: Desertnanny JK Saffron by Desertnanny Jack Sparrow out of AGS Ponders End OM Neon Rainbow
1 buckling tri color paint, very cute markings

Sire: Charlie, Hamilton's Hoax unregistered by Red Lotus KD PacMan out of Lil Roughnecks Pocket Change listed for reference only

Asking $200 each for the senior does, $100 each for doelings, and $50 each for bucklings. Please email with questions or to set up a time to meet them.

Pictures are Lotus standing in profile, Saffron, 4 kids - doelings on top row, and Charlie

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  • Location: Tempe
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 3137527374

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