who's egg???


I have 7 chickens all 4 1/2 to 5 month (americanas, austalorp,and russian orlaf) and a duck (age unknown). I have  been reciving one egg a day for about a month ( a large light brown egg ) today i went out early a found cookie the duck sitting on the egg .... Im still not sure if it is cookie laying the egg. Any ideas...











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  • Sounds to me like it's Cookie laying the egg. You could separate Cookie for a day or two if it's convenient and Cookie remains comfortable, that should tell you right away.

    Also, when hens start laying they tend to hunch down and spread their wings slightly when you approach them or go to pet them. The second I walk into my coop any one of the hens near the door immediatly hunchs down because they are caught off guard, once they realize the coast is clear they pop back up. Seems like it's a maternal instinct once they start laying.

    • Most of mine do that, too. It's a submission position, intended for a rooster and mating. But without a rooster, they see us as the "top bird" and submit. It's kind of cute, really. When they squat, you can pet them, pick them up, etc. The more they're handled, the more they'll submit, too.

      That's a good idea about separating Cookie.

  • LOL! Well, from what you describe I'd gamble it's Cookie who's laying. Ducks are more consistent layers than chickens, so if you've been getting 1/day for a month, consistently, it's probably the duck. They also lay larger eggs than chickens. Chickens usually start laying small eggs, sometimes funny shaped, sometimes double yolks, and sometimes no yolk. The eggs increase in size & consistency over the next few months as they mature.

    Another thing to look at is the chicken's comb. Their comb will turn from pink to bright red when they're getting to laying age, so if the combs aren't red, chances are the chickens aren't laying yet.

    • I forgot to say cookie is a mallard and from what i read she shouldnt lay every day???

    • Mallard eggs are often greenish, too, though they can be a greenish brown or brown, from what I understand.

      Do any of your chickens have red combs yet? Did the eggs start smaller? Chickens almost invariably start by laying small eggs which increase in size over time. And you would not be receiving one egg/day for a full month from any single chicken.

      Oh, another tell-tell sign that a chicken is laying the egg is the egg song. Chickens usually sing a loud "Bok, bok, BOCK!" repeatedly after laying. (Some may do it before laying.)

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