Roses are still new to me. Moved in October and the roses were already here. My girls (5 of them) love to peck in the raised rose bed, which is fine. However, the roses need fertilizer and I haven't yet trained the girls to poop directly in the bed all the time (haha, like that will EVER happen). So I have to use some sort of amendment - are all fish emulsion, rose food/fertilizers safe for chickens? And if anyone has a suggestion for the best option, I'm all ears!
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Lisa I would worry about anything other than an organic fish only (and seaweed) emulsion. Rachel may have some thoughts that are more helpful. How about your own compost? Or purchased worm casings?
I don't have any "done" compost yet. But if simply organic emulsions will be the difference, then that should be fine. Then I can get rolling in the fall with some ground cover and mulch.