About Me:
Amateur gardener and chicken rancher in Sunburst Farms, Phx, AZ. Involved in VPA since 2008, volunteering and contracting as its bookkeeper. I became its Program Coordinator in 2011, and have progressed to Data Management for the VPA in 2012. I departed the VPA in June 2013. Every year I buy trees at Fruit Tree Day, and have quite the orchard of edibles because of it - can't resist Fruit Tree Day!
Hi Jane, I remember meeting you! Thank you for your kind praise. Have a great day!
Thank you Jane. I hope to expand my knowledge of local gardening and learn tips and tricks from other members who raise chickens and garden in their backyard as well. Have a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!
Thank you for the warm welcome :)
I'll definitely check out the forums and look into what classes are coming up.
I am looking for Moringa seed drustick seed.
I am living in phoenix anyone can help me out.
my email id is jmat80@hotmail.com
Thank you.
Thank you for the welcome and I look forward to learning new things and sharing what I might have learned along the way as well.
Anya Damico
Thanks so much for your warm welcome Jane! I'm absolutely thrilled about the long growing cycle here in Phoenix and looking forward to learning lots of new tricks. I'll definitely start attending classes. Would you know when and where the "Native Foods: Beyond Mesquite and Prickly Pears" speaker series presentation is? And would you know if there are actually multiple sessions of the Lonetti residence Urban Orchard tour or just on 12/10 or 12/17? I'd defintely like to go to that! I hope to meet you at a future event! Thanks, Carol
Thank you for the warm welcome! I live right by you!! Id love to meet your chickens and 'pick' your brain!! :-)
I want to start raising chickens! Just reading up and getting ready to take Rachel Bess' class in December!
Thanks Jane for the welcome message. Much appreciated. Looking forward to learning and sharing where I can. :-) Saturday Tour De Coops is going to be so much fun and great timing as we've been trying to figure out over past few weeks what kind of Chicken Coop to build. It will be great inspiration seeing the cool ones around Phoenix.