Hens need homes

If you didn't see it on the Sale Board, I need to find homes for a good number of hens!  Easter Eggers, Wyandottes (Silver Laced, Blue Laced Red, Splash Blue Laced Red and a couple of young Gold Laced), Australorps, Iowa Blues, Rhode Island Reds... $10 a hen.

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  • Hi Julie,

    Just we bought 2 hens from you a couple of weeks ago and I can't remember one of the hen's breeds.  I know one was a golden buff, but do you remember the other one?  It is black




    • The Buff Orpington... was it a big black hen?  If it was, it was an Australorp.
  • As soon as we know why our chickens just died I'll be needing some new ones and older pullets would be much better than having to go back to chicks so if you still have some in a couple of days expect me to be interested in either the easter eggers of the rhode island reds.
    • Sounds good. We lost a Silkie on Wed from the heat.
    • We lost one a few days ago and one yesterday. I hate losing them when they are so young. It wouldn't bother me as much if they were older but both were just over a year.
    • Yeah, it's never fun to find them when they've passed.  I've gone to flooding their pens in the evening so they can make dirt bath holes/mud holes in the AM to cool their heels along with keeping a horse waterer dripping so they've got a place to cool off.  Only lost one so far this summer, but it's not over yet.
    • We let them loose in the yard during the day to hang out under the fig trees.  I put an old pot bottom under their and fill it with water (about 2 inches deep).  They like to stand in it.  We also got a cobra mister we run in the area - doesn't use much water, but makes a big temp difference.  They come up to e and complain it's hot - but they are still laying, so they must be ok. :)
    • Look on the bright side.. Hard boiled eggs come prepacked this time of year. ;)  LOL.
  • How old are the RR's?  We have some that are a few years old and starting to slow down laying - I want to replace them with less than a year old hens.
    • Yes - but we are talking about staggering them - getting two younger birds now that are not yet ready to lay.  We noticed they were slowing down this spring a little, with larger eggs.  I think we need a few more anyways.
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