About Me:
Amateur gardener and chicken rancher in Sunburst Farms, Phx, AZ. Involved in VPA since 2008, volunteering and contracting as its bookkeeper. I became its Program Coordinator in 2011, and have progressed to Data Management for the VPA in 2012. I departed the VPA in June 2013. Every year I buy trees at Fruit Tree Day, and have quite the orchard of edibles because of it - can't resist Fruit Tree Day!
Scott Brown here. You are the only email that was delivered back to me yesterday. I sent the spreadsheet to you at:
It came back as undeliverable. Can you provide me with a new address? Then I will send you the excel spreadsheet for your to confirm or correct your order.
Thank you
Hi Jane! Thanks for the welcome. I'm a Grrl Scout troop leader looking for more information on starting a community garden for one of our projects. It looks like there is a lot of good information here to help us get started!
Thanks Jane! I look forward to being involved in The Alliance!
I will look into thouse groups... and we look forward to working with you guys! See you tomorrow at the breakfest...
Thanks for the welcome back! I actually do have bermuda grass :(
It's all basically just brown and dead (dormant?) and has been sitting that way for several months. I've been trying to figure out how to get it out without using chemicals... but i'm thinking that it might come down to watering to get it to come back to life and then hitting it with roundup.
Hi Jane,
Thanks again for your help!