I have not found anyone to process chicken. I have looked allover the internet and called several places even way out past laveen when I was on that side of town. I was told that a lot of places have stopped processing chickens all together and others have stopped taking homegrown due to state and federal regulations are so strict that it is not worth their time anymore. That was last week and now I am no longer looking because it is frustrating. I have an acquaintance that used to do it herself years ago and she said that she would come over and show me how. I think it is just too time consuming for me.
Raising backyard chickens in North Peoria. Solar power provides a majority of our home power. Landscaping is native and only needs rainwater. Planning rain gutters for a rain catchment system to be used on a small garden.
""But then again, Joel Salatin doesn't sell his eggs to stores for 60 cents a dozen."
Yep, and unfortunately, most consumers don't look past the price and want cheap food at all costs. Just think of the cheap slaughterhouse renderings used to make…"
"I'd never go with bare dirt. It's a good way for odor and flies to become an issue. The inside of a coop needs a thick layer of "browns" put down to mix with and "process" the droppings. It should be kept fluffy by the hens' scratching.
"Well, one-week old chicks don't have real feathers yet. It's just kind of a fuzzy down. They actually start to look ugly for a while as they start growing feathers.
No. I would never wash a chick (especially a chick), pullet or even a full-grown…"
"For a protein treat I like to give cottage cheese or unsweetened yogurt.
Sorry for your loss. Three dead hens in one day indicates you may need to rethink your coop design to allow much more airflow, shade, placement away from heat-radiating walls,…"
"We're also getting plenty of eggs from four hens. We have two green egg layers in the mix to add to the fun. Our three replacement pullets will start laying by the time these four take a rest.
I would not want to sell at farmers markets even at the…"
"I've only had a couple eggs like that after my hens were presumably frightened by a very loud thunderstorm. It seems like the stress caused them to release the egg too early."
"It's good if they can see and hear each other but yet are still separated like with chicken wire. When I integrate new hens I find that it takes at least a couple months. Then I remove the separation under supervision a little each day until the new…"
"Welcome! May I recommend you buy a minimum of three? Chickens are extremely social, and when one dies you'll still have two. It's easier to have an extra hen now, because socializing new hens later takes time, knowledge and patience. You'll love…"
"Egg laying takes tremendous energy. Forcing them to lay all year stresses their bodies. If you let the birds have their natural resting/molting periods, they will lay for many more months overall and have less health issues. You can only get so many…"
"I suspect you have rodents and many dozens of wild birds feasting on a majority of your feed. I feel that 24 hour access is best if you can keep the wild animals from eating most of the feed. I have ten free-range laying hens. A 50 pound bag of feed…"
"I have both of these birds. My blue andalusian is 3 years old and is no longer laying much at all, she is very skittish, and has a comb bigger than many roosters'. She doesn't care to eat from my hands but if I sit down and look away from her she…"
I was at the Stock Shop today buying organic lay pellets. Anyway, they have Marans and Blue Andalusian chicks. I believe they are straight run if you don't mind a possible rooster. If you're into neat looking chickens or very dark brown Marans eggs…
north and east of 35th ave and Buckeye 3422west hadley