There was a mixup on the start date in the newsletter, I do not know exactly how it happened as we were still working out the location details, but it did. The next week they printed in the newsletter that there was a mixup with the real start date and that is the story.
Sorry for the confusion, I had plenty to deal with myself regarding this believe me :)
Thank you for writing back about the class that was starting on the 5th.
No problem, I am in your current vege garden class.
I am the one who moved up to the empty chair in the front.
Enjoyed the course very much. Is was laid out well and presented the same. I heard that you have a structure of sorts in your backyard made of rebar for your plants to grow on, thus saving space and support for the heavies. I was wondering if you would mind posting an image here. It might give me some ideas. Thanks again for a well done class.
I want to sign up RSVP for your vegetable gardening class at the Pink spot. Is there an open space for me?
What time does it start?
Did not find contact information in the email about the event.
I will watch my email for you answer--
Thank you ,
I want to take your vegetable garden class this saturday but didn't see where I can register and I don't know where it is located. Can you help please??
confused...weekly email shows a class I would love to attend but no link to register...can you give confirm the class is being held? 08/08 830am at the pink spot
Heather - I have a yard full of (UGH) Bermuda that I want to eventually kill off & turn into edible gardens....I looked at the catalog on & found this....
C l o v e r , Cr i m s o n
Trifolium incarnatum 1–2 ft. HA Fast-growing, winter annual legume
hardy to 10° F, colder if sown with a cereal grain such as oats or triticale.
Sow in early fall to incorporate the following spring or in spring for late
summer incorporation. Adds nitrogen and organic matter and suppresses
weeds. Showy red blooms attract beneficials. (⅓–⅔ lb./1,000 sq. ft.)
—S22193 pack (1 oz.) $6.89 —S21015 (1 lb.) $12 —S21016 (5 lb.) $47
C lo v e r , Me d i u m R e d
Trifolium pratense 1-2 ft. HB Vigorous, popular legume loosens subsoil,
releases phosphorus and potassium, suppresses weeds, and hosts beneficials.
Sow mid-spring and incorporate 18 months to 2 years later.
Mow at early bloom to stimulate new growth. (¼–½ lb./1,000 sq. ft.)
—S22194 pack (1 oz.) $3.99 —S13633 (1 lb.) $7 —S13634 (5 lb.) $27
You had recommended in your Designing A Garden Class to use Red Clover to kill out Bermuda & I am wondering of the 2 options above...does it matter which one I order or will they both do the same thing??
Also interested in hearing what you have to say regarding Nick Torrez'z "decay spots" on his peppers....same thing happened to mine.
Thanks so much for any knowledge you can share with me. I really love your classes!!
I attended session 3 & 4 of Designing Garden. I really enjoyed, and got quite a bit of informatino thanks! I have question on beown, o r looks like decay spots on my Bell Pepers and hot peppers. I thought the sun was just burning the fruit, but I even found these spots on fruit shaded by the leaves. The plants look healthy to me, so I don't think I can apply the leaf chart/problems from you hand out to the fruit. Any thought after looking at the pictures?
We are O.K. I really like your classes. I am about to start on a 1/4 acre garden, and I guess I am a little nervous. I have not gardened in almost ten years and I am trying to get my smaller garden (which has lain fallow for quite a while) before I take on the larger one. It has been a long time since I have had a serious relationship with the soil. The soil is so important. Thank you for your patience.
"Could you open a section and "herd" them that way? You would need a large group to convince the bunnies to move where you want them. Check for holes in the fence or under, since they got in some how. Gophers will start to be a problem too this time…"
"I wonder if it's something the AZ humane society would be willing and able to loan you. They have humane traps for the spay and return program they run for cats. If you can't find someone here who has them to loan out it might be worth a try.
Hi All! We appear to have two bunnies who have managed to get themselves inside the 'protective' fencing surrounding the school garden at Mesa Community College. My poor students have had to watch their winter transplants nibbled down literally…
"I have thought of this too.. and one thing that I wonder about is how well the sheep would do with their wool coats in the Phoenix summer... I haven't had a chance to do any research - whether you would shear the sheep before summer anyways? - but…"
"I have heard about this but I havent found much info... Do you which dairies and if you can buy directly or do you need to go through a separate store? I got hooked on raw milk sold through Healthy Habit on 7th st but they kept raising their prices…"
"Oh my goodness! That's right! I don't think I ever told you but I was accepted scholastically to NYU, so thank are order for the recommendation! I am so glad to have reconnected and would love to hear about the progress of your garden.
Thanks again,…"
"Hi Robert,
Thank you so much for your comments about the class, it is always nice to hear that people enjoy it! And I am so glad that your interest in hanging gardens was piqued. I do not have any pictures loaded onto the computer yet but they will…"
"Hi Dominique,
I apologize for the delay in getting back to you, I actually don't handle the registration for the classes but the guild is having a staffing change over, so it looks like some things have slipped through the cracks. It looks like…"
"Hi Wendy,
It looks like there was a misposting on the newsletter that said that the veggie class started on 8/5, when in actuality it started on 8/15. I apologize for the confusion and this looks to have effected quite a few people. As we are coming…"
"Hi Janeen,
Sorry for the delay on this, the weekly email was mistaken on the date and I was unfortunately out of internet touch. I am surprised that no one caught this sooner but there are some staffing changes going on with the class coordinator…"
"Hi Nicholas! I am so glad that you enjoyed the weds class.:) It is always so good to hear that. I can't wait to see what you decide to do with permaculture!
"Hi Dana, Good eye for the clover! Either one will do just fine. I have ordered the crimson clover and had luck with it and I have not used the medium red on a property that I have worked with. This choice was based on my liking of the brilliant…"
Sorry for the confusion, I had plenty to deal with myself regarding this believe me :)
No problem, I am in your current vege garden class.
I am the one who moved up to the empty chair in the front.
What time does it start?
Did not find contact information in the email about the event.
I will watch my email for you answer--
Thank you ,
I want to take your vegetable garden class this saturday but didn't see where I can register and I don't know where it is located. Can you help please??
Wendy Shepherd
C l o v e r , Cr i m s o n
Trifolium incarnatum 1–2 ft. HA Fast-growing, winter annual legume
hardy to 10° F, colder if sown with a cereal grain such as oats or triticale.
Sow in early fall to incorporate the following spring or in spring for late
summer incorporation. Adds nitrogen and organic matter and suppresses
weeds. Showy red blooms attract beneficials. (⅓–⅔ lb./1,000 sq. ft.)
—S22193 pack (1 oz.) $6.89 —S21015 (1 lb.) $12 —S21016 (5 lb.) $47
C lo v e r , Me d i u m R e d
Trifolium pratense 1-2 ft. HB Vigorous, popular legume loosens subsoil,
releases phosphorus and potassium, suppresses weeds, and hosts beneficials.
Sow mid-spring and incorporate 18 months to 2 years later.
Mow at early bloom to stimulate new growth. (¼–½ lb./1,000 sq. ft.)
—S22194 pack (1 oz.) $3.99 —S13633 (1 lb.) $7 —S13634 (5 lb.) $27
You had recommended in your Designing A Garden Class to use Red Clover to kill out Bermuda & I am wondering of the 2 options above...does it matter which one I order or will they both do the same thing??
Also interested in hearing what you have to say regarding Nick Torrez'z "decay spots" on his peppers....same thing happened to mine.
Thanks so much for any knowledge you can share with me. I really love your classes!!

I attended session 3 & 4 of Designing Garden. I really enjoyed, and got quite a bit of informatino thanks! I have question on beown, o r looks like decay spots on my Bell Pepers and hot peppers. I thought the sun was just burning the fruit, but I even found these spots on fruit shaded by the leaves. The plants look healthy to me, so I don't think I can apply the leaf chart/problems from you hand out to the fruit. Any thought after looking at the pictures?