I was just passing on information that I had seen. You might want to check out CraigsList, a free online classifieds listing. If you go to http://phoenix.craigslist.org/ and on the upper left hand corner there is a search box. Type in Tilapia in the search box and it will bring up all the ads with that word in the ad anywhere. On each ad the person who posted it will have put their contact info or used the Craigslist service to create a privacy screen. In the heading of the ad will be a reply to saleblahblah@craigslist When you reply to this email, CraigsList forwards it to the person who posted the ad. When I just checked there were 2 recent ads for Tilapia for sale.
"Thanks for the advise. I'll keep looking!
I have set up a 350 gallon pond for them in my backyard.
I have wanted to raise tilapia for sometime now... I finally made it a priority!"
I was just passing on information that I had seen. You might want to check out CraigsList, a free online classifieds listing. If you go to http://phoenix.craigslist.org/ and on the upper left hand corner there is a search box. Type in Tilapia in the search box and it will bring up all the ads with that word in the ad anywhere. On each ad the person who posted it will have put their contact info or used the Craigslist service to create a privacy screen. In the heading of the ad will be a reply to saleblahblah@craigslist When you reply to this email, CraigsList forwards it to the person who posted the ad. When I just checked there were 2 recent ads for Tilapia for sale.
Good luck!