Crowing Hens Need Help!

Hello everyone,my problem is reaching a critical point now two of my hens are crowing like roosters (very loud roosters). I live in an area with some picky neighbors and most likely will get a complaint sooner rather than later.I have read the posts about this and there seems to be no real way of stopping them unless you have a rooster (which I don't). These are my kids chickens and they would be devestated to have to get rid of them but that is where we are headed.My question is does anyone have a quick fix?I know that there is a person out there who adopts such noisy hens does anyone have her name.Last does anyone know where I could get two easter eggers to replace these. Preferably around 5 months which these are they are two big beautiful chickens, and I would love to continue to have chickens in my yard (just quiet ones).Thanks,Nathan Scholten

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  • Hello, and thanks for all your input.
    They have food all day long. The main one "crows" even if there is food out. "She sits up lifts her head and neck out and lets go for all "she" is worth. It will crow in the roost, it will crow in the yard in front of my window.
    I am leaving on vacation for the weekend and will have to decide what to do after that.
    I am boarding them at my hospital until I get back.
    I am also going to run a PCR test on the blood to have the two easter eggers sexed as well.
    Thanks again.
    • My girls also bok bok bok alot until I let them out to graze, about 15 -30 minutes of yummy grass & they quiet down for the day. They just want to stretch their legs like the rest of us. :)

      My layer girl also carries on until I come and get the present she has for me.
    • a real quick fix is chicken soup
  • My girls make loud noises when they are laying eggs. It is a repetitive and loud "braaaaawk" bok bok bok. Usually lasts for about 5 Mins or so a couple times a day. I wouldn't worry about it if you are allowed to have chickens some noise is expected. Just as barking is expected from a dog, or meowing at 2am from a cat. I have an ameracauna and she is just asnoisey as the rest. I may be able to take them when it cools down a little. Don't want to stress Them with this heat and new surroundings. One thing that does work if am home when it happens is to throw them some scratch or melon as a treat.
  • Hi, sorry to hear about your loud hens. We also have a loud Rhode Island Red hen. If they have food, and room to roam then I would say, chickens are like people, some never shut-up.
    I bought my Ameraucanas (Easter eggers) from a lady that came recommended to me. I was just there yesterday and she had about 10 Ameraucanas left. I had a bad experience with another local hatchery, but have found her to be honest, and only selling healthy birds. Here is her link

    I wouldn't give up on your current hens, especially since they are your children's pets. I went and talked to my neighbors and was shocked that none of them were bothered by them (I have quacky ducks too.) Even a neighbor that is very anti-social and has called the police on us for our children being loud in their own backyard, has no problem with the animals. I guess she loves animals more than people.
  • Mine will also get loud if they need food. I would second the recommendation of making sure that food and water are always accessible to them and that they have enough room to run around (mine also let us know that they're ready to be let out of the coop/run in the morning), and that they are cool enough. We use a portable mister that we move around the yard to the shady spots so they stay cool. Good luck!
  • Quick fix? I'm not sure, but do they have free access to their feed at all times? A few of mine get quite loud and agitated when they are hungry. They won't let up until they get food. Laying hens like to graze all day long. Do they have enough of a run to explore, graze, dust bathe and just be chickens? They could be bored silly.

    Your picky neighbors ought to just simmer down. Your chickens are a lot less quieter than dogs, lawn mowers, loud music, trucks, etc. They're just not used to the different sound. Give them some green eggs. ;) Good luck.
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