Chicken Wire VS Hardware cloth

Hello fellow chicken lovers....I am working on the plans for my coop & run & I have figured out that 1/2" hardware cloth is double the cost of regular 1" hex chicken wire. (my run will be 12 feet long, so it's alot of wire).So, what are your experiences with poultry wire. Has anyone who is using poultry wire (1 inch hex) had trouble with rodents or other naughty animals harrasing your chickens? I am trying not to spend too much money on the coop. As one of the other posters noted, "the first egg costs about $300.00" (te he).Picture is of my little leghorn: Snow White


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  • I didn't understand why anyone with a block wall would have trouble with predators big enough to get through poultry wire. But after my neighbors dog comes over and it is in her breed to hunt I get it. Other than a dog I don't think there is any reason to have to use hardware cloth if you have the hens cage in a fenced yard.
  • If you don't have problems with predators the chicken wire would work. The problem I didn't want to have was the small birds like sparrows eating their food. It's bad enough that they eat the dog food. We bought the 4' width, I think, and it worked well with the spacing of our vertical boards. Didn't have to do the back since ours sits up against our house pretty tightly.
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