"i've had two people recently ask me if the walks are still going on. maybe you'd want to set something up that's not so regular, so as to make it easier for you."
"Sorry, we haven't been meeting for awhile as I've been doing a lot of traveling and I haven't found anyone else willing to facilitate, if anyone is please let me know."
"yeah, the one with the rounded leaves, which is nice and succulent like purslane is a different plant. the book i read about this in had to be returned to the library and i don't have the title on me. i couldn't find anything online when i searched…"
"i didn't realize my partner was logged in. this was actually my list, not that it really matters. but he probably has his own slightly different list.
by the way, i had been occasionally eating what i thought was purslane: Portulacca oleracea or…"
"Hi! I facilitate the Herb'N Phx Skillshare. We have now switched to meeting every Sundays at 5pm at Grow Garden Co-op (6th St. and Garfield). Herb'N Phx is primarily for amateurs who want to learn more while sharing what they know (hence…"
"I can't make it today. I'd love to attend another event though. I'd love to have someone present to a group of home schoolers in North Phoenix. Are there any regular outings?"
I got this information from a friend.Herb'N PHX Urban Harvesting Skillshare @ Conspirethis saturday at 4pmstarting at Conspire 901 N. 5th st in downtown phoenix