It was AMAZING meeting you too Kat! Thank you for that complement, but to be honest with was your passion and excitement that I was loving! ;) And, yes you WILL be seeing me more often!!
It went well, Kat. Thanks for asking. The ball is rolling.... To say that it is a process is an understatement. We were well received by some, less so by others (no overt yawns, which was nice). Such is life...
My goal now is to get the gentleman who are heading up the city's internal efforts out to some coops. I have extended an invitation to this effect.
I really hope that when the drafting process starts (fortunately that is the direction we're headed), that the law ends up being applicable and beneficial to all.
Hi Kat! Thank you! Unfortunately, the orientation next month will be during a trip I'm taking for a friend's wedding. I am excited to help volunteer though! I will be paying close attention for the next orientation! Thanks again!
Sorry, but I joined this website via a permaculture in education discussion in Portland, OR where I live so I don't think I'll make it to many volunteer opportunities in your area... It's great to see other people all over the country spreading the permaculture word though. Keep up the great work!
Hi Kat, Thank you for your response to my inquiry.....Please add me to your email listing for volunteer opportunities......I believe I can make the June 13 class... Thx again, David V.
"Welcome to the forum, Hedy! This is a great place to share about your resources and seek suggestions on how to make the permie lifestyle easy for yourself. :-)
We have lots of exciting opportunities to share your surplus time & volunteer with VPA!In partnership with SRP, we plan to give away another 5000 free desert-adapted shade trees this year! We distribute the trees by hosting workshops and…
The Shade Tree Program could still use 1 more volunteer in San Tan Valley this Sunday 2/7, and 2 volunteers in Gilbert on 2/19.No experience required! We will provide all the training via email.It involves visiting 5 homes in a particular…
"Hi Rose, welcome to VPA! I'm going to shoot you an email about one of VPA's Ambassadors, Steffy, who talked to her HOA about starting a Community Garden last year.
Glad you found us!
Looking for a way to give back your surplus time this holiday season? Join us in the office to volunteer with the Seed Library! Let us know you're coming by signing up here:
this Saturday: volunteer atTour de Coops******************Sign up to help: THIS SATURDAY, November 142 shift options: morning & afternoonCoops near Downtown Phoenixread more & sign up hereWhether you're a newcomer to chickens or your family has been…
A last minute request here for some aquaponics volunteers to support this year's Tour de Coops - VPA's self-guided tour of backyard chicken coops.New on the Tour this year, we are going to have an educational booth (or eggucational booth –…
Coming up next Saturday, November 14! The 7th Annual Tour de Coops!Begin your day by picking up your maps and wristbands at Tour Headquarters (HQ), located at 2225 N 16th St (SARRC Vocational & Life Skills Academy Satellite Office - map here). Tour…
Hi all!We are still looking for a few more pairs of helping hands to join us on Saturday, October 17 at the Tempe History Museum SRP Shade Tree Event - we plan to give away over 1000 trees on this day (it's shaping up to be HUGE!) and we would love…
Hi Kat, Unable to RSVP via your email so I am saying yes, I will come to the volunteer orientation on Jan 24th. Thanks, Kathy T. Hill
It was AMAZING meeting you too Kat! Thank you for that complement, but to be honest with was your passion and excitement that I was loving! ;) And, yes you WILL be seeing me more often!!
It went well, Kat. Thanks for asking. The ball is rolling.... To say that it is a process is an understatement. We were well received by some, less so by others (no overt yawns, which was nice). Such is life...
My goal now is to get the gentleman who are heading up the city's internal efforts out to some coops. I have extended an invitation to this effect.
I really hope that when the drafting process starts (fortunately that is the direction we're headed), that the law ends up being applicable and beneficial to all.
Between my plight to change the laws that govern backyard chicken raising in Chandler and my big mouth, I do indeed post a lot!
We storm the castle tonight; send good vibes!
Hope you had a wonderful, cool (temp and otherwise) vacation. :)
Hi Kat! Thank you! Unfortunately, the orientation next month will be during a trip I'm taking for a friend's wedding. I am excited to help volunteer though! I will be paying close attention for the next orientation! Thanks again!
Hi Kat,
Sorry, but I joined this website via a permaculture in education discussion in Portland, OR where I live so I don't think I'll make it to many volunteer opportunities in your area... It's great to see other people all over the country spreading the permaculture word though. Keep up the great work!
Hi Kat,
Thank you for your response to my inquiry.....Please add me to your email listing for volunteer opportunities......I believe I can make the June 13 class...
Thx again,
David V.
Good Afternoon. Thank you Kat. I shall RSVP for the orientation.
Enjoy your week.
Hi Kat,
Now I just recently moved to Farmington New Mexico, so am I still able to be a part of this group?
Jim Rusk
What type of volunteering is there possible?