Aquaponics Education help at Tour de Coops?

A last minute request here for some aquaponics volunteers to support this year's Tour de Coops - VPA's self-guided tour of backyard chicken coops.
New on the Tour this year, we are going to have an educational booth (or eggucational booth – harhar!) on various sustainability and permaculture topics. One coop will be focusing on aquaponics, one will be on seed planting and saving, one will be on composting, one will be on chicken breeds, etc. 
One of our coops this year has a beautiful Garden Pool set up, and we’d love to focus our education efforts at that coop on Aquaponics. The team from Garden Pool isn’t available to help out with the aquaponics station, so I was trying to put together a crew of VPA folks to help volunteer at the booth. 
Would you be available and interested in helping to man this booth and provide insight about your experience with aquaponics? There is a morning shift (8:30am-12:30pm), an afternoon shift (12:30pm-4:30pm), or both!
Thanks for considering!

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