Hey Jaime,
I am going to be in Tempe on the 13th at U of A. I would very much like to get that table if it is still available. Please call me at 623-313-0952
Meeting Feb 1st 6:00 pm - Tempe Green Waste to Compost Pilot Program Public Meeting
Hey Tempe folks,
I got an exciting letter yesterday about a pilot program for collecting green waste and composting it. My neighborhood was selected, and I'm not sure where else but I am near Mill and University. It says that the finished compost will be used first for municipal parks and fields, and then made available to the community for home garden usage. I'm loving Tempe for this right now. It gives guide lines, it looks like collection will pretty much happen during bulk trash week, at which point we just have to keep separate piles for non-green bulk trash and green waste, at least 4' apart.
Meeting Feb 1st and 6:00pm at the Pyle Adult Recreation Center at 655 E. Southern.
For questions or additional information contact Ramon Saiz at 480-350-8128 or ramon_saiz@tempe.gov.
I missed my chance to sign up for your herb spiral workshop this Saturday. Actually, I thought I'd RSVPd but hadn't and now it is closed. I know that there is a 12 person limit, but I was wondering if I should come by on Saturday morning…"
I have been gearing up to take on hens, and would love to start with just two. I have a wonderful yard for them with lots of trees, shade and protection, and have been reading up on just how to construct my coop. I can't say that I truly…"
"Hi Lisette! I think that the camera left under the couch is mine - I don't see mine and I had my bags under there for a while. I will be around all day tomorrow, so let me know if there is a good time to drop by. If not, I will get it from you next…"
I am going to be in Tempe on the 13th at U of A. I would very much like to get that table if it is still available. Please call me at 623-313-0952
Hey Tempe folks,
I got an exciting letter yesterday about a pilot program for collecting green waste and composting it. My neighborhood was selected, and I'm not sure where else but I am near Mill and University. It says that the finished compost will be used first for municipal parks and fields, and then made available to the community for home garden usage. I'm loving Tempe for this right now. It gives guide lines, it looks like collection will pretty much happen during bulk trash week, at which point we just have to keep separate piles for non-green bulk trash and green waste, at least 4' apart.
Meeting Feb 1st and 6:00pm at the Pyle Adult Recreation Center at 655 E. Southern.
For questions or additional information contact Ramon Saiz at 480-350-8128 or ramon_saiz@tempe.gov.
Thanks for taking time with us, we really enjoyed the conversation! Check this out http://www.northernaquafarms.com/knowledgelibrary/NAF_PDF_Files/bar...
Most any time would work, just let me know when to look for you!