Free laying hens to Permaculture members

Sadly I am finding myself needing to rehome my beloved hens. They are 2 Easter eggers (Ameraucana), 1 RIR, and 1 Black Sex Link (Black Star). All lay like clockwork, the Black Star being the most productive. If taking pairs, I prefer the 2 Easter Eggers stay together, they love each other but hate the other 2. And vice versa. I love them dearly and tears are in my eyes as I type this. I want to give them to someone who knows how to properly care for them and will not butcher them down the road. They've been handled since they were a day old by myself and kids. So they are good pets as well as livestock.The EE's were born Oct. 08, the other 2 are January 09.Message me on here if you'd like to take 2 or all of them....thanks.

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    • Thank-you. They've been such a source of joy, more than I ever thought possible.
    • Hello,

      I have been gearing up to take on hens, and would love to start with just two. I have a wonderful yard for them with lots of trees, shade and protection, and have been reading up on just how to construct my coop. I can't say that I truly know the details of proper hen care, but I am a very responsible and dedicated pet owner and I think I can make a go of this. Also, there's no chance that I would be butchering these birds...really interested in them as pets, eggs and pest control, maybe some chicken manure, but definitely not meat. If you'd like to talk more about it please drop me a line on my member page and I will message you my contact info.

      Thank you,

  • Hi everyone who has so kindly responded, the reason for rehoming my girls is we had our house on the market and our future is up in the air, I thought it best to rehome them before people started coming by to look at the house. We got 3 offers the 2nd day on the market, chickens and all! For the time being while this deal is being worked, I want to hang on to my flock until I move, which should be in a month or so. If anything changes I'll contact you 1st come 1st serve style and see if you'd still like to take them. Thank-you for your kind words and willingness to take them. It eased some of the burden. :) Bless you.
    • Oh my gosh Krissy! I can't believe I've missed this event in your life! Please tell me everything is working out. I will be happy to foster your girls for you if you need a place to keep them unti you get settled again. Let me know your status...I'm thinking of you....Susan
  • Looks like you already have 4 offers, but if they fall through... I'd love to have a couple of your hens. I already have 2 Leghorns and a Barred Rock. I have 2 connected pens, so it is a good set-up to ease the transition for new flock members...
  • I am looking to add to my flock and would be interested in taking your girls. I can promise that they will be for eggs and enterainment only. Give me a call at 623-224-0692 if you haven't found any takers.
  • If your other offers fall through, I could take your Easter Eggers. I have 3 chickens currently that free range in my yard and am planning to add two more. Ours are family pets, and yours would be very loved by our family.
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