About Me:
Live in Central Phoenix with my dog Harriet and 2 cats
Have over 10 fruit trees, plus 25 tacoma stans (desert honeysuckle) shrubs thriving in my front/back yard..I shared some volunteer sprouts with neighbors and they're doing great! (Anyone else want to transplant some?)
Am always looking for donations for my school garden.. (bamboo sticks, trellises, spare pots..anything functional and semi-aesthetic
Have at least 25 Tacoma Stans desert honeysuckle shrubs thriving in my front and back yards...one is over 10 feet tall!
Love children, animals, art, spending time with friends, community events and permaculture!
It was great meeting you at your school last week. Your school garden, and your energy, have inspired me to get more involved! Let's get together over coffee and brainstorm for future activities and volunteer opportunites. :)-Brooke
my best contact email: brooke.l.viviano@gmail.com
or call/text my cell
Did you get the paper I sent via email? If not, I probably forgot to send it--please let me know :)
Great to hear from you! I'll be happy to share with you some data related to the psychosocial benefits of gardening for your grants. If you email me at blooming.heart@yahoo.com with your email address, I'll send you resources.
Hope to see you soon.