Our First Egg

I read Dons post where he had a talk with one of his hens about laying her first egg. So I decided to try the same. Most mornings and all of the evenings I will have a brief chat with my girls (6 of them) wishing them a good day or good night as it might be. I changed it up a little. We had a chat on how exciting it would be to lay their first egg and no kidding the very next day a beautiful brown egg. It worked for me.



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  • We collected 5 then had breakfast. There was nothing wrong with the first egg.
  • I think my Ameracauna is about to lay, she has been making a low cluck cluck and doesn't eat like she usually does. Could this be a sign? She is 5 months old. I can't wait for that first egg! I doubt I'll even eat it. :-)
  • That's awesome.
  • Congrats! This must be the time for hens to start laying as mine just started within the last 2 weeks. Two brown eggs every day with a green one thrown in sporadically (although a couple of those were stepped on - ugh!). Today was the very first day of full production - 2 browns & 2 greens! I thank them and give them a sweet pat every time I collect an egg.
  • Very cool!!!!!
  • now you need to tell them put it in the nest box
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