Free Ranging the youngins

Here is the conundrum:When I only had 4 little 6-8 week old chicklets & they didn't have their coop delux yet, I took them out every morning & put them on the grass in a play pen/dog yard type thing with chicken wire all over the top & side. They loved it even though it was only about a 3 x 3 structure.Well, now I have 7 chicklets ages 4-8 weeks & they are currently living in separate apartments within the coop delux, I really want to let them free range (maybe not together yet, we are doing a 1-2 week get to know you thru the wire fence) thing.These kiddos are flyers & I don't want them taking off on me. I will supervise their playtime, but I am worried about a mutiny over the fence. Should I do the one sided wing clip on them so they can free range it?Does anyone have experience with letting little pullets (or mullets as I now call the baby roosters in drag)...out & about on the range. I have a fenced in yard, but until they get too fat too fly I am just going to be a wreck about it.Any advise is much appreciated!P.S.I love all you chicken fanatics !!!I think we need an egg themed potluck with sustainable garden foods & home brew micro brews.....mmmmmm

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  • I think you should be fine clipping one wing on the older birds, but I've never clipped a wing on a bird as young as four weeks so I couldn't say for sure, maybe someone here has experience. Just make sure there is no blood in the feather shaft. I would be sure to give them AT LEAST 2 weeks of getting to know you time before combining birds of that age. Be aware that there could be some pecking that looks pretty aggressive and will probably hurt your feelings. This is fine, but if it gets to the point where one of them starts bleeding, put 'rooster booster" (the no pick lotion) on the wound and re-separate.
    • Thanks for the advice :)

      I noticed the other day when I combined them briefly, it was mostly the one that we think is a rooster who was picking on the new girls. Mr. Rooster (Cinderfella) will be going to an adoptive home, so maybe I should bring him to his new family sooner rather than later. He is just so darn cute & I am having trouble saying goodbye. Chickens should come with a warning tag that says "warning: you can fall in love with us just like any other pet". I seriously had no idea that I would get so attached to a bird. ;)

      See you tomorrow at, I'm getting off work early after all.
  • I think that is a great idea! I might be able to contribute a tomato..For the first time in my life, I have one turning red (I am so excited).
  • Hi,
    I clipped our chicklets wings as it seems that they were always finding some way to get too high.
    I have not had a problem with only one clipped it allows some vertical lift of several inches and if they do jump off something they can semi glide down.
    We let ours out in the back yard free range quite a bit with out problems.
    Clipping wings is really no big deal.

    • Thanks Nathan :)
  • Congratulations Beth on the new chickies! I had to do the one sided wing clip to our young Leghorn. At first it was charming, she would fly up on my sons shoulder or one of the kids head, but she was soon flying to high for our comfort and I feared she would find herself in a neighbor dog's mouth. She can still fly onto my son's shoulder (she is sure she is a parrot) but really that's as high as she can get. Good luck!
    • Thanks Paula :)
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