We got 4 baby chicks on Saturday, 8/21, in the afternoon. They were 4 days old, appeared to be bright, active, in good health. By Monday I noticed one chick seemed to be losing feathers on it's breast. This seems to be a growing 'bald' spot. We do not see the other chicks pecking at it, it does not seem to be poking at itself to pull out feathers. They all seem to be pretty happy, eating, drinking and pooping a lot. The other chicks do not seem to dislike it in anyway. Is this a normal thing? We have them in a big box in the garage, there is a light on. I think it's hot in there but the chicks don't seem to mind & at Pratt's they told me that would be a better place than the guest room.
What do you think?
With a red bulb it is not that they cannot see the colour as that the red light dulls the appearance of red colours; making them look darker, less vivid. Chickens (all birds) actually see a considerably wider spectrum of colours than humans, as well as having more types of receptors on the retina. Scientific American did a very interesting article on Bird Vision several years ago.
I think it is likely too hot in the garage with the light. The temperature is one of those things that I don't "go by the book" with. So many things come into play with how comfy chicks (and other baby poultry) will be...humidity, number of chicks, variety and breed, etc. I do it like this...if it feels really warm to me, I watch what they are doing. I don't think it is necessary to achieve this "perfect" temperature or use a light at all this time of year. If they are huddled together, they are too cold. If they are all spread out from each other, trying to flatten themselves to the ground then they are too warm. If they are active, running around like crazy chickies...then they are just fine. If you do have a light on them and a few are under the light, with the rest spread out you have the right temperature. I never use a thermometer to check this, I just observe their activity.
BTW - anyone have a 50 Gal water heater box available? :-)
If it were me, I would bring them into the guest room with a heat lamp and thermometer where you can better control their temperature.
I'm getting chicks next week and they will spend their first 4-6 weeks in my family room :-) but our chickens are pets and spoiled rotten. ;-)