A better waterer??

As I clear my head and prepare for yet another summer season with my chickens, I am reminded of my frustrations last summer and am determined to try to make life for all... a little better. The kids and I are very frustrated with our water situation.  I cannot use a hose auto waterer because the water that comes out of our hoses, no matter what the location, is almost hot enough to steep tea! I have been using the plastic waterers and they are always in need of cleaning. I will usually dump then out twice a day due to what has been flung into them by the chickens and to add ice to the waterer. The kids do their best to help, but these things are big and heavy. I have raised them and set them up so that they are in the shade and can't be pooped in.  Anyone out there with a better idea? Thanks :)


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    • Get some pipe insulation from Home Depot, Lowe's or a hardware store, and cover the pipe leading up to the hose bib.  Also, consider planting a bush or tree nearby that will shade the hose bib, ideally all day, but at least during hte hottest portions of the day--just be careful to avoid plants with invasive roots that could damage the plumbing.
    • Hmmm...hopefully someone else that knows more about plumbing & automatic waterers can chime in for you.  Gosh darn it, I just refuse to accept that there isn't a way for you to get a functioning automatic waterer set up that provides water cool enough for your birds to drink.
  • The plastic ones do get green.

    I have been using the tin waterer for 2 or 3 years' now. It holds a lot of water maybe 1.5 gallons and doesn't seem to get green.

    As for auto waterers, if it's hooked to the hose, it will be hot as the hose is a little water heater



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