herbs in your garden?

Just curious - who's growing what herbs?  Do you have anything unusual?


I have



flat leaf parsely





native onion (green onion type)


Ginger - in a pot


and I have starter pots going of




Last year I grew garlic and got quite a bit, going to grow it again this fall - it just takes quite a while.


My husband has some seeds for black pepper - I need to find them and start some.  And I have some flax seed I need to start as well.


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    • I have a signature dish when I want to wow people.  Aluminum foil package on the grill of large bunch of lemon grass leaves and thyme over and under a layer of fish like salmon (skin side down) a bit of white wine.  Seal the package very well.  20 minutes on indirect heat and a super tasting  meal with no added salt or fat. :-)

  • I have rooted some lemongrass that I bought at Lee-Lee's market. It spreads, so I am told, so I will plant it in a container in another few weeks. It likes the heat so even planting it late in the season should be ok, we'll see.

    I don't see anyone here mentioning Vietnamese Cilantro.  I started with two plants about 6 years ago, from Bakers I think.  I lost one during a transplant three years ago and now my remaining plant looks like it's about to go crazy now that it's in the strawberries (seems to be a good match).  It loves the heat and, being Vietnamese, loves the moisture too.  It definitely tastes like cilantro and by midsummer will be about 2 feet tall.


  • I just started an herb garden, and right now everything is in pots or window boxes.  I have sage, tarragon, sweet mint, German thyme, English thyme, oregano, curly leaf parsley, chives, and lavender (can't remember which variety at the moment).  Poor lavender seems to be struggling, which is devastating.  I had huge plans to make a batch of lemon lavender marmalade next year, so I had my heart set on it booming.  I am looking forward to the herb class in May - I'd take the one this weekend, but I am participating in Pat's Run.
  • I currently have oregano, thyme and chives.  My basil bit the dust after the freeze, so I'm getting ready to replant some.  I'm also going to try borage this year.  I've not grown it (or tasted it!) before, but I've heard such raves about it that I'm keen to try it.

  • I have loads of marjoram - it seems to love being both in the ground and in the big pot on the patio and wasn't at all affected by the cold this winter.  I also have dill, parsley and thyme in a large pots, but haven't gotten around to replanting what was lost in the frosts this winter in ground (I didn't cover anything in the ground this year).  Have you tried using nasturtium seeds as pepper substitute?  I heard they were used in times of war when spices were scarce, but haven't tried it myself.  Both me and my neighbor have small bay trees - his is in a better sunny spot and is 3x larger than mine.  I also have a curry leaf tree and an allspice tree in pots.  Oh - and of course mint is everywhere - what a weed!  AS for herbs I've killed or that haven't survived one or another seasons: sage, fennel, mexican mint, mexican oregano, greek oregano, lemon grass, basil (multiple varieties), lemon verbena, chamomile, ginger, bee balm, lemon balm, lavendar, rosemary (yes I've killed ROSEMARY!), parsley, dill, the list goes on and on...  Out of everything I have ever grown, Marjoram has got to be the most tenacious herb - right up there near mint in my experience - and it is so fantastic tasting!  A must have.  If you want to know about growing herbs here I highly recommend the AZ Herb Association http://www.azherb.org/index.php  they are a great group of people and have loads of great information.  They have also published a book about growing herbs in the desert.
    • I've NEVER been able to grow Natrutiums - for some reason I kill them or they never sprout every time.  And allergic to mint - so I don't ever grow it.  I'd love to try curry tree.  And you guys are giving me hope for bay - maybe after the almond and apple trees I plan on buying this coming fall. :)


      From what I understand Marjoram is a member of the same family as oregano :)


      I'm allergic to eating mint, so I never grow it.  But it will take over a bed if you are not careful - probably better to grow it in a pot.

  • I'm happy that all of my french tarragon came back...When the plants shriveled up and turned brown I thought they were done for.  Silly me! 


    I love my bay tree.  Fresh bay leaves are just AMAZING.  In addition to what you have (although I don't have chamomile) I have some thyme, (my favorite) lemon balm, peppermint, rue, and a bunch of leeks.  I'm bummed out that my lemongrass didn't make it through the frosts...I'll likely start some more of that since it makes such a lovely accent plant.  And I'd like to have some marjoram. 

    • We've been thinking of planting bay - but I wasn't sure if it would survive here.  Do you have it in a sheltered area?  Did you buy a tree, or start from a cutting?
    • I bought a small tree from Baker's last year.  It has grown quite a bit since then.  I have it in an area that receives afternoon shade.  I water very deeply, and infrequently.  It does seem to be susceptible to salt damage...as I found some brown tipped leaves developing after my string of reconstructive surgeries in Houston last year. (my parents and in-laws from the midwest were tending to the kids, animals, and garden...and did a lot of frequent, light watering in the garden)
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