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"I’ve got a big crop of red lettuce seed to harvest :) I also have Molokai seeds ( and a bunch of random stuff! It’s hard to know what might interest you. I also have a Cuban oregano plant if anyone…"
"Well, I am very thankful for what she did. It was an amazing service while it lasted. I miss it so much!"
"Nice! I have some heirloom lettuce seeds I can share with you as well. My lettuce is mainly a green leafy variety. I would love some red lettuce and radish seeds. I would not mind trying some arugula too. I also have cilantro too. I have…"
"It was Kathy’s labor of love to make that seed library at Glendale happen - without a dedicated person to help manage the seed donation requests and keeping things stocked, the library does the best it can."
"Yes there is often a big disconnect between the person handing out the seeds and knowledge on anything garden related. My local library here in Phoenix would love to have a gardener come and help with the seed library but I don’t have the time to…"
"I haven't been impressed with the seed library. They probably could use donations -- they tend to give out so few seeds, and when they don't all germinate it is very frustrating. They don't seem to understand that while, say, 3-5 tomato or squash…"
"The seed library was integrated into the actual library - they thought it was a good idea and now many libraries across the valley are hosting their own seed libraries so the need for the VPA to do it kind of fizzled.…"
"I am in Glendale. I don’t have any specific seeds in mind. I like to save seeds and would love to share or swap. VPA had a seed library at a Glendale library once a month, but that ended many years ago. I don’t really know what resources are…"