Activity Feed

Jenifer Mazur Anseth left a comment for Eric Sofield
"We had a wonderful time! Have you had a chance to see any of our FB pics? Thank you for all you did to help make it so memorable!"
Apr 26, 2010
Jenifer Mazur Anseth left a comment for Michael and Lylah Ledner
"Thanks Lylah. I learned about Ollas at the herb class yesterday! Also, that I was probably overwatering a lot of my herbs and the benefits of pumice in the soil. Do you have a photo up of your completed chicken coop? I see the progress pics..."
Apr 25, 2010
Jenifer Mazur Anseth left a comment for Ericka
"Thanks for the welcome Ericka! I'm excited to be in this community."
Apr 25, 2010
Jenifer Mazur Anseth left a comment for levi mason
"Thanks for the welcome Levi, so glad to be here!"
Apr 25, 2010