Truly organic feed?

I know that I am late in the game and that this has probably already been addressed. A friend told me something about genetically engineered foods. I order organic seeds for my garden and raise my own transplants, So I doubt that I am affected too much by this in that particular arena.

But I wonder about the food that I  feed my chickens. Is there a source of chicken feed that i do not have to be concerned about? 


Also, if the subject of  genetically engineered food is a topic of interest to anyone, I would like further education.

Thank you in advance. 

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  • If you look on the main microlivestock page several of the feed stores have asterisks to denote that they carry USDA certified organic feed. I feed my chickens organic feed for the exact reason to avoid GMOs. Simply put, I don't want them in my system and I want to vote with my dollars against GMO's. Be prepared to pay between $25-$30 for a 50lb bag of organic feed versus $17 or so for conventional.
    • Thank you Rachael. I need all the help I can get. This is a great group!
    • Also, plant grass--that will save you a ton on the cost of feed--and it is organic as long as you don't put anything on it! Just don't buy the treated seeds from Home Depot :)
      Really anything green is great--clover, alfalfa, flax--just grow something--they can pretty much live off that! Give it lots of time to establish (2-3 weeks) before putting chickens on it or they'll scratch the little sprouts to death. And plant your winter rye very very thick. If it is 2-3 inches tall they won't scratch. When it gets really eaten down and short they will scratch it bad--so plant enough that they can never nibble it down that low or be prepared to fence them out so it can grow back in between grazings.
      peaceful valley organice ( sells an omega 3 chicken pasture blend and they also sell organic chicken feed but shipping could be expensive for that.
  • Most soy and corn in the market is GM (genetically modified). I buy organic chicken feed.
    You may want to check out this site, it will give you basic GM info.
    • Thank you Doris.
    • Thank you Chris!
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