Teeny Weeny Egg

My hen, who is a 4 1/2 month old Black Sex Link, laid this cute tiny little egg! I saw it in the next box, and couldn't believe it. In the neighboring nest box was another gargantuan egg laid by my Ameracauna hen. What a day and night difference between the 2. I took pics of the tiny egg and big egg next to a normal egg so you can see the difference! Has anyone else had tiny eggs like this?



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  • I had a really really tiny egg from my bantam hen who already laid small eggs, but then she laid an even smaller one!
  • i have had serveral like this in the pasr few years, some have small yolk some have no yolk , i have had several large eggs with a double yolk and have had one the only one i have ever seen with 3 yolks in it
    • my green egg layers are the ones i get the most double yolkers from
    • Mine to! Although they haven't laid any eggs at all lately. Too hot. My little black sex link & RIR lay everyday despite the heat.
  • People used to call those "Rooster Eggs" because they thought the roo laid them. lol
  • I got one the other day from a either a 9 month old hen or a 2.5 year old hen, it blew it out because it was so funny looking. It had no yolk at all.
    • I just wanted to tell everyone that the teeny weeny egg didn't have a yolk. :-( I was hoping to make the world's smallest sunny side up egg for my son. Oh well. He ate it anyway!
  • Yes, we have had a few of those too! So weird, they have little yolks too... The tiny egg came from our hen who regularly lays a normal sized egg, every couple of months she lays a tiny one. Not sure why though.
  • I've never seen anything like that, how funny. Like a little golf ball.
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