Should I Clip Wings?

We have four 8 week old chicks (pullets?), 1 Ameraucana, 1 Production Red, 1 Cuckoo Maran and 1 Black Australorp. Since they're fully feathered, we have them outside in a shelter/run now, but also let them free range some in the yard. I've heard that some breeds are good flyers, and my concern is that when they're adults they might fly on top of or over our 6 ft block fence. The Ameraucana and the Production Red seem to be better at flying that the other 2, can already fly/jump up on top of their run, which is a little over 3 feet tall. They also fly across the yard but only at a height of about a foot or so. We live in a community with an HOA, and even though our CCR's don't prohibit chickens specifically, it does say the animals must be pets and cannot be a nuisance. So far I don't think the neighbors even know we have them, but if they start roosting on top of our fence, we might get some complaints! LOL! Plus I'd worry about the hens safety. Do you think they'll be able to fly that high? If so and I need to clip one of their wings, how old should they be when I do that? Or would it be best to just keep them in the run and not let them free range. They really love being out in the yard though, and I'd like to continue letting them do that.

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  • Since you live in an HOA, just be aware that even though you are considering your chicks "pets" when they start laying and squawking you may have to deal with that. We don't live in an HOA neighborhood and we have a large backyard but sometimes I worry when my girls sound like they're being attacked (if I throw down some scratch it sometimes shuts them up)/ . My next door neighbor has told me he loves to listen to them because it reminds him of being back in the Philippines -- no one else has complained so I'm hoping they enjoy the "music." I know this has nothing to do with wing clipping -- just thought you might want to be forearmed (or forewinged!)

    • Thanks for the warning about possible noise. I know that even hens can sometimes be noisy, especially when laying, but I'm hoping as long as it's not late at night, very early in the morning or continuous, like a dog barking constantly, that the neighbors won't be bothered enough by it to complain. If they do, maybe giving them a few eggs now and then will be enough to appease them!

  • we have had chickens for over 5 years we have a 24" barrier at the front street / none at the alley / 5

    6' chain link at the sides ... found some of the first clutch 2 doors down in the front yard one day ... the second clutch has never strayed off the property, home bodies i guess ... we are out and around when they are 'free' ... not to keep them on the property per se, but to be present in case a loose neighborhood dog came on to the property after them ... we do not clip wings as a result of our observed experience ... may regret it one day, but seems to not be an issue for us ... we also have a half acre (so they have a 1/4 acre to call their own) ...

  • When I had chickens, I clipped one side, like Rachel showed us in the raising chickens class.  It enabled me to let them free range during the day, and our fences were lower- wood ones. I just started building my coop at my new place and I will have lower fences again (4 feet facing the yard, 5 1/2 feet facing the street) so I will definitely have to clip again, as one of our fences backs onto a street that can get busy. I'd say I'm happy I did it though- it's better than losing them over the fence! Even clipped, one of my Buff Orps could get up pretty high!

  • We have a 6 ft block wall and three of our chickens have gone over one time each in 4 years. We've had over 20 chickens in that time-frame. They didn't repeat it after we got them back.  One was a Leghorn and two were Production Reds.  Also, once they get bigger, it'll be less likely that they'll be able to go over...too heavy.

    Ours free-range all day and get locked up at night.

    • Thanks for the information. It's good news/bad news. Bad news that you've had 3 go over your 6 ft wall, good that it seems to be a rare occurrence. Maybe I'll just wait and see if their flying skills improve significantly as they get older. I really want to keep free-ranging them and prefer not to clip their wings if I don't have to.

    • I have an area of my wall that's shorter than 6 ft.  I think that's where they went over.  One jumped into the neighbor's yard, one wandered off and we found her hiding under a bush by a busy street and the third never actually went all the way over.  I found her on top of the wall making lots of noise because she couldn't get down. :)

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