Roofing for my Coop?

I am building a coop and in light of the resent loss of Evelyn Navarro’s hens and rooster, I wanted to know about my choice in roofing. I am planning on using the corrugated plastic or fiberglass roofing. I was going to use the white one that allows light to come through so that they have light during the day. Does anyone have experience with this type of covering? And if so will my choice also allow heat to get in and be too hot for the hens? I was also covering the run with the same? Any information would be great. I am trying to not make mistakes before I build to save me some money, and save my future hens.

Like this but the white one that shows light.

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  • Let's keep this thread going a lil bit more, talk to me about flooring for the coop. I was planning on a solid floor covered in materials to aid cleanup. With the open air design, a 1/4'x1/4" mesh floor seems more appropriate. Thoughts? Who has what and what is good or bad about it?
    • If you use a mesh floor, consider using 1/2" x 1" cage wire. The gauge of the wire is heavier (therefore easier on feet), and the openings are large enough that most droppings fall through.
    • I have a dirt floor with fine pine shavings. "I use the deep litter method."
      Every time the shavings seem a little sparse, I add more and mix it up. As long as it stays relatively dry there is no smell. I went 4 months this way until I decided to clean it out in anticipation of the "rain" we are about to have. ;-)

    • I am going to be using a raised coop design, sorry I forgot to mention that before. I still am anticipating using the deep litter method, only up off the ground due to flood irrigation (see my new thread regarding flood irrigation).

      I do like your design though! It's got me thinking...
  • that is about how it worked out lol.
  • I got a bunch of scrap that I thought was worthless and turned out to be great. I am even building a compost bin out of the rest.
  • So Chris, what direction should I angle the roof?
  • Yeah the turbine would be a passive no-cost attempt at keeping cool. But with the open air design, it's pretty much pointless for me (but not for the rest of you with 4 walls!)

    So which end of the roof should be higher, as far as east and west. I'm thinking higher on the east side to offer more protection during the afternoon hours. The east side of the yard is the coolest, for the most part. The coop will be on the east side of the run, which will be covered in shade cloth. I figure this will offer the most protection. Container plants and vines on the west end of the run, again to shade everything (plus snacks! :) ) Pretty much only the north and south side exposed (save the south wall of the coop).
  • I have a few people that could help me with a surplus of eggs. I wanted silkies because of there looks and personality. But I would like some good egg layers too.
  • Consider using hardware cloth (metal) instead of chicken wire. Sparrows can't fly through this and if the rest of your coop is sparrow-proof you can leave food out for them all day.... of course it would need to be out of the way of any misters or you'll get moldy food.
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