New chicks-need advice

Once again, I am looking for wisdom from those who are more experienced. Thanks in advance for your help. My chicken went broody and hatched 12 eggs. These little chickies are only 1 day old, and she has them out and about already. They are eating and drinking fine, so far. We did lose one, but the others seem healthy. She hatched them in the oleanders, and now she has them out in the yard. My other chickens are cooped up so they can't get to the little ones.  I'm wondering if I should let my chicken raise these new chicks, or if I should bring them inside. So far, Snowflake (mama) is doing a great job showing them the ropes, but I'm wondering if I should contain them to keep them safe from predators, the weather, etc. In this case, does mama know best?

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  • Let the mama hen raise them. She'll gladly do all the work and save you the time and effort. Plus it's great to watch her teach them to scratch, eat, etc.
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