Lambs for sale?

Does anyone know where I can get a lamb in Phoenix?  I inherited a little lamb from someone who couldn't take care of her, and she really needs a friend!  She is too small to join my goats, and she is very lonely.  If anyone can point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it.

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  • A friend of mine, Stephen Fowler, raises exotic and rare heritage type sheep.  He has a ton of adorable lambs if you are still looking, they are really cute!  He has a page on Facebook with photos of his stock:

    • Thank you!

    • Kari,  I don't know of anywhere to get a lamb.  However I have an unusual need. 

      Our church is starting a vacation Bible School beginning next Tuesday evening.  One of our themes includes having farm animals for the kids to admire and learn about.   I am furnishing chickens, another person has baby ducks, another a cat with kittens, a couple of small dogs and a rabbit. 

      One person in our church was going to bring some goats, a sheep and a calf but he is going to be out of town due an unexpected family occurrence so we missed out on his offerings.  We would still like to get a few more animals for the kids to get to know and learn about.

      If you can give us a call at (602) 375 - 2780, my wife or I can explain more about this to you.   Our church is the 7th Day Adventist church at 43rd ave and Glendale.  Each contributor would look after their own animals (with help if needed) to let the children get aquainted with the animal.  The display will be in a covered and enclosed area. 

      If you are interested or know someone else who might be interested, can you please give me a call or e-mail  me at  Thank you!           Bob and Jean Brown

    • I would love to, but I don't think it will be feasible.  I got a ram lamb as a friend for my ewe, and they are housed next to each other.  The ram is too aggressive to have around kids, and he goes nuts when the ewe is not in sight.  The ewe is also a little bit too large now to take to a petting zoo.  Perhaps someone else in the group will have a younger animal to bring.

    • Kari,

      Try Bobbi Roth. She is on here somewhere, has a farm in Gilbert.

    • Thank you!  I will look her up.

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