HELP Barred Rock Can't Stand

I'm seriously worried that she might have Mareks. Here's the scenario: up to early afternoon yesterday she was fine, came up to me for treats when I walked out the door. Turned on the mister which the 4 hens hung around a lot. At about 6 I noticed she was laying in the grass, in the shade, directly under the mist and wasn't moving a whole lot. Checked on her, she could hardly stand, her wings splayed out and she held her head down like her neck couldn't hold it up. Ran in to read backyardchickens forum - read and read and read. Other barred rock started pecking at her which I've never had a problem with before. Locked the other 3 in the run/coop. Put her in our dog crate inside the house. Wouldnt' eat or drink.This morning: still about the same although her neck seems fine now and she pretty much keeps her wings in at her sides. Picked up some PolyViSol and electrolyte water at the store. She struggled with me while I tried to drop both down the side of her beak. She is eating a very little bit of scrambled egg but fights when I try to dip her beak in the water. Still can't really stand. Instead of laying on her side, I propped her up in a t-shirt doughnut which seems to help, at least she eats easier.If it is Mareks, I assume there's not anything I can do. Make her comfortable until she dies?My situation is that I can't afford any avian vet fees and am at a loss at what else to do. There is so much information on the backyardchickens forum. I've read about 4 hours of it and had to stop.Any suggestions or other ideas as to what it would be? I appreciate any info.Thanks in advance,Erin

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  • How is she doing now?
    First, how old is your hen? It could be Mareks, but my bet is that it's something else. I have had this happen to hens that were just "sick". It could be that her body is stressed from the heat and she's become ill. It sounds like you are doing the right thing with vitamins, food water and keeping her in a cooler environment. When was the last egg that she laid? Is there any possibility of being eggbound? Try also mixing in some of the Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar in with her water. I use the ratio of about a shot of ACV to 2-3 cups of water when a bird is ill.
    • Thanks for the reply. She does seem better. This morning she was standing a bit and did eat and drink better. She is also greeting me whenever I check on her. She is 8 months and last layed the 26th. I felt her abdomen for an egg but didn't feel anything hard also no egg showing from her vent. I did give her a 10-15 minute tepid bath yesterday a.m. (suggested at backyardchickens) which she didn't fight one bit. I'll add ACV to her water.
      Sunday's temps were killer. We are normally 4-5 degrees cooler here in N Mesa than the projected temps but my shaded backyard patio read 110º so I knew it was hot. I use a mister in the afternoon, the backyard is on the east side so there's shade, and I put 2 frozen 2-ltr bottles in the run. They are out free ranging in the p.m. almost all the time. I just found an AZ group on backyardchickens that I'll peruse for more cooling ideas.
      Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it. I wasn't sure that what I chose to do was going to be of any help to her. Hopefully she'll continue improving.
    • How is your chicken doing? Did she fully recover?
    • Yes! She's fine now and her laying is back to normal. My four really hang around under the mister a lot these days which I try to move around to keep in the shade. Thanks for thinking of her.
    • I'm glad to hear she seems to be on the mend. You might try a little yogurt too. Some birds like it, some don't. Sounds like you're doing a great job caring for your birds. :)
    • the cooler i hooked up to my coop seems to be helping my girls out this year
  • I am so sorry to about your sick chicken. I hope somebody here can give you some helpful information.
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