There are a lot of different breeds, and the temperament of each breed can be a bit different. My sebastapol is relatively quiet and friendly; my chinese is loud and obnoxious. At the park where we walk the dog are africans who are very friendly; there are also canadians, some of whom are friendly and some not. These families tend to be very territorial towards each other. Once in awhile an unusual breed shows up (Ross's & White Fronted are ones that have wintered the last few years)
Be aware that geese live a L-O-N-G time. 35-50 years.
They eat lots of grass, but also need a feed formulated for their needs. There are feeds specific to waterfowl and/or geese, but most folks use a flock raiser type of feed. Waterfowl are sensitive to medicated feed, so most will say they should not have it even as goslings. THere is a time during their growth when you want a low protein feed for proper wing growth.
Be aware that geese live a L-O-N-G time. 35-50 years.
They eat lots of grass, but also need a feed formulated for their needs. There are feeds specific to waterfowl and/or geese, but most folks use a flock raiser type of feed. Waterfowl are sensitive to medicated feed, so most will say they should not have it even as goslings. THere is a time during their growth when you want a low protein feed for proper wing growth.