Downsizing & giving away chickens

I have four Rhode Island Reds that I'd like to place in a new home. We've had backyard chickens for awhile, but discovered that two of our children have egg allergies a few months ago. I'm having a hard time keeping up with eggs when they are not being used or shared. I need to downsize. They have slowed egg production slightly this summer (maybe some competition at the feed bowl too) but they do lay. If interested e-mail me at


Thanks, friends!


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  • Thank you all for your replies. I have committed them to their new home. :)
  • I just sent you an email because I'm interested, but it depends on where you're located. What are your cross streets & city? BTW, welcome to the Micro Livestock group! :)
    • Thanks, Sheri! Glad to have finally joined the group and will stay since I'm keeping a few birds. :) I'll send you an e-mail.
  • They are about 10 months old.
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