Can we meet your chickens?

Hello all,My girlfriend and I are interested in seeing someone's chicken set-up and meeting your chickens! We have been researching taking on hens as pets and egg layers and would really like to be able to see it first hand. Ideally, we would like to see a few different breeds. If you would be willing to have us over on November 7th or 8th that would be great! If you are willing please post here or message me and we can sort out the details. We will make a donation to the permaculture guild to recognize your generosity in giving us a private tour. Thank you!-Elizabeth

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  • We would be happy to! My wife and I have 6 chickens: 2 Red Sex Links, 2 Rhode Island Reds, one Black Australorpe, and one Ameracauna. We're thinking of adding more. We now have a dog/chicken run that encloses the hen house. You can check out a few pics on my page. We live near 17th Ave. & Indian School Rd. I second what Jane wrote--chickens are wonderful, and I'm sure you will love having them.

    • Greg is organizing a Tour De Coop like...realllllly soon. You might want to look around on here and see when it is. you can tour people's yards with coops.

      we have a duck coop. muscovy ducks, verrrrry quiet and fun, we swim with them and they are a hoot to watch as they divebomb in the pool.
  • Hi, I'm in the 43rd Avenue and Greenway area, and have sixteen hens and one rooster. Breeds represented are Rhode Island Red, Easter Egger, Americauna, Barred Rock, Polish, Wynandotte, and last but definitely not least, Mrs. Torgerson, our sole Leghorn.
    I'll be at the Meat Chickens class on November 7th in the afternoon. Other than that, things look open. Please let me know if you'd like to come - you're welcome then or anytime. The ladies and gentleman you would be meeting are for egg and entertainment purposes only. I hope to get some Cornish Cross before the end of the year, and those will be for meat.
    Thanks for your plans to donate to the Guild!!! When you get ready, you're welcome to check out the "donate" button, just below "latest activity" on the right.
    You and your girlfriend are going to love chickens - they're wonderful!
  • I would be happy to. I'm where the 101 and the 51 meet. If I am near you let me know. I really love my set up and I have a couple of friends who are changing theirs to my set up.
    • Can you give more information on your setup? Will your coop be onthe tour?
    • My coop will not be on the tour. I don't know who is or how they set it up.

      A little about my coop-I wanted it to be easy access and easy clean up. The dimensions are maybe 6x10 or something. The coop is covered in wire and has one full size door. One end is covered in wood on three sides to give "protection" from the "elements" inside they have a perch where they sleep and below them is where I leave my compost, they poop right in it and all I do is rake up the bottom of the coop once a week and we're good. I have pics posted on my page.
  • I would love to show you our set up and 4 hens. We have a Rhode Island Red, a Barred Rock, an Ameracauna, and a Welsummer. We love our gals!!

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