
  • Yes, we run poultry processing classes (next one is permitting!)  We do chickens, ducks, turkeys...

    • ooh I might have to put that on my calendar!

    • Here's the info to start with:

      We have a separate pen because layers and meat birds are SO different. Meat birds don't roost, and are not very energetic. :)  They smell more, but if you have the right mindset, they're rather cute little tubs.

      The cost for a 5 lb bird is $10-$15/bird, depending on how you value your time, and if you go totally organic, it can go up to $20/bird easily enough. So, as with any meat production, the cost is equal to or greater than the markets, but the meat is oh, so very nice!   :)

      Our birds weighed in at 6 lbs dressed last Saturday, so next Saturday we expect them to be between 6.5 & 7 lbs, which is quite large.

  • We've processed lots of meat birds...chickens and turkeys.  Do you have a question? 

    • well, I've processed quail before, but never those with experience, I'd just ask if I should have a "buddy" system if I were to try it? HA! Is it really worth the time? I'd have to build a separate pen for meat birds and before I jump in, I was reading and reading and thought I'd go straight to asking those with personal experience.

  • We raised a flock of turkeys this year with great success. We are thinking of doing it next year as well.
    • are they noisy? I only ask cause I'm not sure how my neighbors would feel if I brought home some turkeys!

    • Kristin, like chickens, turkeys are quiet until they mature. At that point the mail can start gobbling, but they don't gobble as much or as loudly as roosters crow. If you're raising them for meat, you'll normally be processing them at that point anyway. 

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