Anybody have 4-5 laying hens for sale?

Hi all,


I'm looking for 4-5 laying hens to move into my new coop. Most of the feed stores only have chicks for sale and I'd rather start with older hens than start my chicken adventures with babies. Looking for 10-12 week old hens. Please let me know if you have any available or know where I may be able to find some. Thanks!

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  • Hi Jennifer,

    I got your message. How much are you looking to get for the hen, how large is this breed and how large are it's eggs? Thanks.


  • Thanks Jennifer, I figured it was worth a try.
  • Jennifer, I found out this morning one of my beautiful Rhode Island Reds is a ROOSTER! If you still have a hen or two to get rid of please let me know what kind they are and how much you are looking to get. Thank you.
  • The Feed Barn has older birds available as well as chicks.

  • Nikki - This is a really late reply but did you ever get your hens?  If not I have 4 that are about 2 years old.  Let me know.  Thanks, Cathy

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